Grupo Letramento do Professor lança livro em homenagem à coordenadora, Profa. Dra. Angela Kleiman


O Grupo Letramento do Professor está lançando, pela editora Mercado de Letras, um livro em homenagem à sua coordenadora, a Profa. Dra. Angela Kleiman.

“LetramentoS: rupturas, deslocamentos e repercussões de pesquisas em Linguística Aplicada” é o título desta obra que reúne muitos pesquisadores do Grupo e tem vários significados: homenagear o encerramento da carreira de Angela Kleiman como Professora Titular da Unicamp, abrindo novas possibilidades de ação no mundo, dar visibilidade ao trabalho de pesquisadores e linguistas aplicados na continuidade e ampliação do quadro epistemológico e objetos de investigação ao qual a autora se filiou, além de explicitar o reconhecimento do Grupo ao papel expressivo que Angela Kleiman ocupa no campo da Linguística aplicada e nas trajetórias da maioria dos autores que compõem essa obra.

Clique na imagem para ampliar o convite de lançamento.

É com grande prazer que o Grupo Letramento do Professor convida a todos para o lançamento do livro, que será realizado na segunda-feira do dia 13 de setembro de 2010, às 19 horas, na Livraria da Cultura, em Campinas.

4 Comments to “Grupo Letramento do Professor lança livro em homenagem à coordenadora, Profa. Dra. Angela Kleiman”

  1. Alexandre Tenório says:

    Me chamo Alexandre, sou de Santarém, estado do Pará. Tive o prazer de conhecer a Professora Angela em junho deste ano, um amor de pessoa; são tantos os seus predicados que o espaço aqui é insuficiente para descrevê-los. Justissima homenagem, pois Angela Kleiman contribuiu de maneira relevante para o avanço do ensino em nosso país. Parabéns ao grupo! Estou ansioso para conhecer o livro.

    • Marília Curado Valsechi says:

      Olá Alexandre! Agradeço, em nome do Grupo, pelos votos! De fato, é uma homenagem bem merecida ao trabalho e à importância de Angela Kleiman nas trajetória dos membros do Grupo! Esperamos que goste do livro, que ele traga contribuições à sua trajetória também! Abraços, Marília.

      • Phil’s headline that Kushner’s mnggiug is huge is right on. I looked up what Jeffrey Goldberg had to say:Kushner strikes me, from a distance, as one of those sons-of-the-people who wakes up worrying about the Jews, and goes to sleep worrying about the Jews. I think his discomfort with Jewish power is mainly misplaced, but turning him into a free-speech martyr? Is that what a handful of Jews want to do with their political power?This confirms my first instinct that what was done to Kushner is a big story (not, of course, in the MSM, but among academics and other thinkers who shape opinion). Goldberg of course is the liberal neocon who aided the effort to go to war against Iraq and last summer made the case for more war against Iran. When it came time for him to serve his country he volunteered for the IDF and worked as a screw in an Israeli prison housing Palestinian political prisoners.His words here are interesting. He begins by ridiculing Kushner’s political concerns and more or less dismissing him as naive and misguided. But then criticizing the trustee ,without naming the thug, for turning Kushner into a martyr. Finally he makes the big acknowledgment: Zionist power is real but do not waste it like this.Goldberg seems to admit in the political power of Zionism in this country but is trying to warn its more zealous advocates to go easy. He knows at some level that this power can be undermined if it is too publicly displayed. Since CCNY is a public institution it might not be a good idea for the Zionist to publicly display their power (no problem in private universities since the minutes of trustee meetings are not subject to public release).This is the advice from a liberal Zionist if you must black ball an Israeli critic, do it out of sight, keep it out of the public eye. But please, no one should consider Goldberg any more than that. At some level he senses that continued US support requires very careful and out of the spotlight nurturing. For now let’s hope this Kushner story remains alive.

    • Wendy Goldsmith of the Canadian Boat to Gaza Fundraising Committee, adding that “we are sure that with our boat now a rlieaty, the community support will come through to raise the remaining funds needed.” The 25-metre Tahrir will carry approximately 45 people: delegates from across the country, high profile Canadians plus journalists. As well, the Canadian campaign has partnered with campaigns from other countries and will carry delegates from Australia, Belgium and Denmark. A new website was launched today to coincide with news of the boat’s purchase and will be the site for online donations. Despite news that Egypt plans to open the Rafah border crossing, the maritime blockade by Israel remains a major obstacle to achieving normal life in Gaza.The Canadian Boat to Gaza and the Freedom Flotilla movement will continue our work until the Port of Gaza is opened to ensure free circulation of goods and people. “Gaza is the only port on the Mediterranean which is closed to shipping and the only coastal area in the world which cannot access its own territorial waters,” points out David Heap of the CBG steering committee. “Until the Palestinians of Gaza can travel freely and trade with the world, we will continue to challenge this illegal military blockade.”As the Israeli government continues to threaten the use of force against the Freedom Flotilla II, we call on all Canadians, including Members of Parliament from all parties, to join with us in demanding that the Canadian government take concrete steps to guarantee the safety of humanitarians headed to Gaza.“My heart is with the participants in the Canadian boat to Gaza in this important initiative for freedom and justice for Palestine.I urge the Canadian government to do all it can to prevent Israeli aggression against the flotilla and the activists aboard the boats,” said Jewish Holocaust survivor and Palestine rights activist Suzanne Weiss in Toronto. The world is watching: we will not be intimidated and we will not forget the Palestinians of Gaza.


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